Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Who Are You?

 1. Do you like the season, Fall?
2. What is your favorite fall smell?
3, What is your favorite activity to do in the fall?
4. Do you dress in fall colors during the season?
5. Name 4 qualities about yourself that start with each letter in the word FALL!
(It's ok to brag yourself up) 

Here are my answers! 
1. Do you like the season, Fall?
My absolute favorite time of the year.  The sights, the smells and the sounds. 

2. What is your favorite fall smell?
cloves, cinnamon & pumpkin mixed together

3, What is your favorite activity to do in the fall?
Sitting by a bonfire towards dusk admiring God's beautiful show of colors.
www.nightowlcrafting.blogspot.com4. Do you dress in fall colors during the season?

I wear these colors year round with my skin tone..orange, red, green, chocolates

5. Name 4 qualities about yourself that start with each letter in the word FALL!
(It's ok to brag yourself up)
F~ un

L ~oveable
Now it is your turn to play along!!!!  Click on the owl and come play!


Leslie said...

Thanks for sharing and linking up to Hoo are you!

Mandi@MandiBeingCrafty said...

A bonfire sounds fun!