John Jacob Interiors
Photo 1:
Love the round wooden architectural pieces behind the sofa.
A large coffee table with lots of room for books, shells, lion heads, and greenery.
Photo 2:
Exposed timbers and glass vases are stunning.
Photo 3:
Pitchforks hang on the back wall and old clock parts hang in rustic triple frames.
Photo 4:
Love the ironstone plates on the wall.
The transom window over the french doors give added light.
Photo 5:
I heart the old wagon wheels that take up some space in this lofty room.
Just wanted to say thanks for visiting my blog yesterday. I love the interior photos you've posted. Gorgeous.
I love all those photos. Seriously! So inspirational! I think I might have to go have another look to get some ideas for my family room re-do!
I just came over to "folla back"
and to say thanks for coming over!
The photos of these rooms are just beautiful. I love taking the time to find the little things that make each one special. I have to go now...I have some catching up to do on your blog.
Beautiful photos! Very inspiring!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comment about my studio.
Hugs, Debi
Absolutely stunning!
The first two pics are especially gorg. Thanks for the comment on boulevard interior design.
Oh beautiful! Thanks so much for popping by my blog : )
Love his use of round things...one of my personal favorites. Also like the simple things used as art work.
~Gorgeous photos of home decor'!
Thank you very much for visiting my blog and your kindness. I really appreciate it and hope you come back again soon.
You're always welcome!
Have a blessed evening.
~Warmly, Melissa :)
Oh how gorgeous!!! I am going to enjoy your blog!!:-) Thanks for stopping by!
Oh I love these pictures. I always have a hard time describing my taste in decorating to people, AND THIS IS IT! I love mixing the old with the new.
I love these photos! I tend to gravitate toward muted colors for rooms, even though I love color. Would love to have a room with this style.
I am starting a NEW Mr. Linky party. It will begin on Aug 10th so everyone will have a week and a half to think about their first post. I have a poll up for votes on which button should be the new button. The "party" is called The Knock Off Knock Out-where THRIFTY meets creative sensation. Help me out by voting and its the last week for the July GIVE-A-Way.
Its So Very Cheri
These are stunning photos. I love the vaulted ceiling!!!
True love!!! I need those rooms..hehe!
SO many great design elements! Everything you pointed out was what I was thinking about! Just gorgeous. Thanks for stopping by. I used to post a lot more, but have been crazy busy this summer.
Sorry-I've been out of commission -- terribly sick for over a week-- but do you want to know how I cut my grocery bill in half? go to Cut your grocery bills now plus I have a give a way and a new Mr Linky party starting tomorrow but Mr Linky will be up by 8 p.m. tonight
Its So Very Cheri
Love your inspirational photos!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am following yours and will stop back in soon.
Want $80 worth of items and only spend $20 out of pocket? Read all about how you can do it too It's Just a COUPON - How much can you really save?
and it's the last day for entering the give-a-way--and it's Photography art-Check it out!!
Its So Very Cheri
wow, what lovely pictures. I can spend hours online looking at other peoples homes! Photos 3-5 aren't showing...I am dying to see the pitchforks and the wagon wheel...
Loving the photos on your blog. I'm glad that I found a new blog to read. ;)
Thanks for visiting & commenting on my blog. :)
Hi Natalie,
I have never grown bittersweet so I have no idea how it would take to being transplanted. I always gather in by the roadside. Sorry I can't help!!
Just checking in with everyone and to give an update.
I have a new party starting- Wed Sept 2. So each week I will have the Knock Off Knock Out party on Mondays and the Holiday/Seasonal party on Wed. I hope you come for a visit.
New buttons to grab as well.
Its So Very Cheri
Wow. Those pics are out of this world...and only in my dreams! Are you SERIOUS you're coming to JunkFest???? WooHoo!!! (bringin' a trailer??? You're gonna need one!)
Just checking in to see how you are doing.
Come for a visit and see both new parties for the week.
Its So Very Cheri
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